Herzlich Willkommen in der Kinderkrippe Teddy’s House

In der Kinderkrippe Teddy’s House erleben wir die Freude am Zusammensein und Lernen!

Gegründet im Jahr 1998 von Agnieszka Sadek-Górniak, ist Teddy’s House die erste zweisprachige Kindertagesstätte in Kilchberg mit Schweizer Lizenz.

Unsere Mission

Unser oberstes Ziel ist es, ein sicheres und fröhliches Umfeld zu schaffen, in dem Kinder sich in ihrem eigenen Tempo körperlich, geistig, sozial und emotional entwickeln können. Mit dem Schwerpunkt auf einem zweisprachigen Lehrprogramm (Englisch/Schweizerdeutsch), bieten wir fürsorgliche Betreuung die jedes Kind als einzigartiges Individuum anerkennt und Selbstwertgefühl sowie Respekt für andere fördert. Unser mitreissendes Programm ist sorgfältig danach abgestimmt, den Kindern altersgerechte Fähigkeiten in einer spielerischen und fürsorglichen Umgebung beizubringen. Durch das Einbeziehen vielfältiger Themen während des ganzen Jahres, sowie auch durch tägliches Basteln, Lieder singen, Geschichten erzählen und Kreiszeiten, fördern wir nicht nur Sprachkenntnisse, sondern bereiten die Kinder auch auf den Kindergarten vor. Neben unserem Kernprogramm bieten wir auch Deutschunterricht, Englischunterricht sowie Kinderyoga an.

Wort der Inhaberin

«Ich war schon immer davon überzeugt, dass die ersten Erfahrungen, die ein Kind in der Kinderkrippe macht, einen tiefgreifenden Einfluss haben. Diese frühen Momente legen den Grundstein für ihre zukünftige Bildung. Meiner Meinung nach sollte die Vorschulphase eine Kombination aus Lernen und Spielen in einer anregenden und liebevollen Umgebung sein. Während dieser Zeit entwickeln Kinder wesentliche Fähigkeiten durch produktives Spielen und Entdecken in einer entspannten und positiven Lernatmosphäre. «

Unsere Herangehensweise, kombiniert mit hohen Erwartungen, fördert und entwickelt eine echte Neugier und Liebe zum Lernen. In der Kinderkrippe Teddy’s House legen wir grossen Wert auf die Zusammenarbeit mit den Eltern und arbeiten eng mit ihnen zusammen, um die bestmögliche Betreuung, Bildung und Unterstützung für die Kinder zu gewährleisten. Gemeinsam streben wir danach, unsere Kinderkrippe nicht nur zu einem Ort des Lernens, sondern auch zu einem wahrhaft glücklichen Ort zu machen, für alle, die daran teilhaben.»

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Based on 31 reviews
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may marx
21:18 13 Feb 24
Our child started at Teddy’s House when he was 1 year old, and our experience was exceptional! The staff treated him like family, providing attentive care and personalized attention. Communication with parents was excellent, the food was fresh and delicious, and the activities were fun, igniting our child's curiosity. We highly recommend it to any parents seeking quality and warm childcare.Thank you Teddy’s House!
Brandon Cohen
12:22 25 Oct 23
The following review is based on 8 kid years (2 children for 4 years each) at Teddy's House.TL;DR: Our kids thrived at Teddy's. They were healthy, happy, and really enjoyed their experience.Longer version:Here are a couple of really relevant points for us:1. The owner. This is a small business and not a chain. The owner loves children which you can tell from her daily interactions. She has been doing it for 30 years and she is very hands on, knowledgeable, and caring.2. The team: High quality teachers with a lot of diversity and little turn over.3. Meals: The lunch food is fresh and healthy. Everything is homemade onsite. We were also impressed about the variety and how our kids would eat things at Teddy's they never did (or would) at home such as tofu, chickpeas, etc. (Don't worry, they also serve meat). Very happy - they go way beyond the minimum....They also serve breakfast until 8:30 am.A couple of other things to know:-There are two groups, the Panda and the Koalas. One is more German speaking and one is more English speaking (ours were in the German) but the reality is that both groups get a bit exposed to both languages.-The other children were also really diverse. Lots of different nationalities and a lot of times with two parents from different places. Most live in Kilchberg but not all. There are also fully Swiss kids but if you want complete Swissness, this may not be the best place for you).-Hard stop pick up at 18:00. (If you need later times, this may not be the best place for you).-The outside area (onsite playground) is not that big compared to others but we found it completely fine for children that young. They also do a lot of walks and adventures around town/the lake/chocolate factory.-Some Krippe's separate the children by age but at Teddy's they are mixed. We found this worked really well as when our girls were the little ones, the older ones looked after them and then it switched and they became the "big kids" who knew what to do and the routines.-There was a yearly professional "performance review" for the kids with the partents (the quotes are mine, not theirs). Seriously though, there is no rating but there is a formal and very structured yearly 45 minute conversation where you go over all the details about your kids - things like language skills, motor skills, eating habits, napping, social/getting along with others, etc. It was probably more detailed and thorough than a lot of parent's reviews they get for work. We worked together for a good plan to get the kids out of napping during the day as one example when the time was right.Our family had a great experience there.
Helen Moore
20:37 21 Jul 23
Teddy’s house is a wonderful place! The staff are so friendly and kind. My son was so happy to go there every morning. The activities are varied and structured. There are often small trips organised and the children go outside everyday for walks and in the garden. The food is all homemade, healthy and varied. I highly recommend Teddys house!
Bartosz ostrowski
10:38 30 Jun 23
Nassos Myr
11:32 02 Jun 23
Highly recommended. Our two kids both happy to go there. German and English... so bilingual!!! The team is very competent and friendly. The atmosphere is like a family.
Daniel Webbb
10:00 22 Jul 22
Teddy’s House is the best playschool in the whole of Zürich. We’ve had two kids go through and they woke up every morning excited to go and came back every evening having had the best day. Run by Aga and her amazing team, Teddy’s child care provides the perfect blend of fun, learning and language skills. The team goes above and beyond and I knew my kids were in the best hands. I would give more than 5 stars if I could. Highly recommended.